Joyfulness shared through understanding all faiths, beilefs and none are all equally wonderful.

Discovering joy through Buddhism is a journey of self-awareness and compassion. By cultivating mindfulness, letting go of attachments, and embracing gratitude, we unlock a profound sense of inner peace and contentment. Through this practice, we not only find joy for ourselves but also share it with others, spreading positivity and kindness wherever we go.


Rinpoche Tenzin La

Tony was awarded the Dharma name of Lama Tenzin Tai in 2001 when studying at Ghoom, Rongbuck and later Namgyal Monastery. In 2021 he was given the new dharma name of Rinpoche Tenzin La directly by HH the 14th Dalai Lama in recognition of his work across the world to bring buddhist teachings to young people.

A dharma name is a spiritual name given to a person upon their formal entry into Buddhism, often reflecting their spiritual aspirations or qualities.

Buddhist teachings through ChaDao

Tenzin La, Tony, has become a prominent figure in promoting peace and Buddhist teachings through the ritual of GongFuCha, or tea ceremonies. He has crafted a global community centred on tea meditation, blending ancient Buddhist principles with the act of preparing and serving tea. Through workshops, retreats, and youth organisations, Tenzin La has reached millions of young people worldwide, offering them a tangible pathway to mindfulness and inner tranquility. By infusing the practice of tea drinking with profound lessons of impermanence, interconnectedness, and compassion, he empowers individuals to cultivate inner peace and foster harmonious relationships with themselves and others, inspiring communities to embrace the transformative power of Buddhist wisdom.

The Upekså order

The Upeksa Order of Buddhism, founded around 1900 years ago by the monk Bodhidharma, embodies the essence of peace and wisdom. Its monks, nuns and masters (as a gender neutral term) serve as messengers, spreading tranquility and enlightenment wherever they go. 

Additionally, they act as mentors, training non-monastic tea masters in the sacred art of ChaDao, integrating mindfulness and spirituality into the simple act of preparing and enjoying tea. 

These trained masters, now in the 21st century, work across all faiths and none, supporting others to become the best, joyful spiritual versions of themselves, fostering harmony and inner peace in diverse communities.

Together we will create joy for humanity.

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