
Tony has spent over 25 years leading on reducing inequality and celebrating diversity, alongside writing, painting, teaching and talking. Below is a brief biography and celebration of some of the wonderful projects he has worked on.

One of Tony's first projects was being brought into advise and troubleshoot accessibility and foster diversity at the London 2012 Olympics.

Sharing a deep sense of the interconnected nature of the world we live in. Tony studied buddhism and has gained a doctorate in inter-faith dialogue. He continues to teach buddhist techniques for achieving peace.

His passion for astronomy met his passion for arts engagement in 2009 when he was appointed the official artist of the UNESCO 2009 International Year of Astronomy.

Working as a part of the thinking tank and development advisors for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Tony's views on reducing inequality were essential to developing Goals, 5 & 10.

Away from writing, painting or working, Tony's 'mindful space' is birdwatching. He is a member of the RSPB, Gwent Ornithology Society and a Patron of Songbird Survival UK

For 20 years now Tony has volunteers with organisations which focus on youth development and engagement with the outdoors. Volunteering directly with the 38th & 40th Strood Sea Scouts for many years he has also visited similar charities worldwide.

Tony Malone

Dr Tony Malone is known to some by his Buddhist Dharma name; Rinpoche Tenzin La, or simply known as ‘Tony’.  He doesn’t mind which name or title people use, whichever makes them the most comfortable. His pronouns are He/Him.  For those who are curious, a ‘dharma name’ is a name some buddhists use to denote their spiritual identity and is given to them by their buddhist teacher. 

Tony, who’s pronouns are He/Him, has spent over 25 years working to reduce inequalities across the world. He has worked with global organisations and local groups to seek how we adjust our perceptions of diversity and inclusion to seeing the people directly through what he has called, ‘the miracle of intersectionality’.

As a well known LGBTQIA+ activist he is well known internationally for his advocacy and activism in supporting people on their intersectional LGBT+ Rights.

He spent nearly 8 years homeless, living in cars, boats and sofa-surfing after an abusive relationship. This time was some of his most creative and impactful for channelling his time into helping others, volunteering and writing.  His work was recognised with an 'In the Service to Peace' award from the UN Commission for Human Rights for his work with child refugees and assisting in organising the first Pride event in a refugee camp.

In 2022 Tony received the Wales Diversity & Inclusion outstanding lifetime achievement award for his work in LGBT+ Youth advocacy and the lives his work has saved for young people in conflict zones.

Tony is currently the (Part-Time) Equity, Diversity & Inclusion lead for the MSSC, ensuring an inclusive cultural change for the charity and supporting the Royal Navy & Maritime sector. He is also current CEO of World Diversity Group, a commercial networks of over 300 D&I consultants, trainers and advisors across 36 countries delivering strategic, global and local change in Equity, Reducing Inequality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights.

Tony is volunteer chair of the Institute of Governments NeuroDiversity, Diversity & Inclusion, youth sector and LGBT+ conferences.

Books, Poetry & Writing

Tony has always loved reading, writing, and understanding the mechanisms that allow both to take place. He is also dyslexic. Tony struggled with school work in Maths and English, but he had great teachers!  His first book: Colour Theory, was a limited short run book of poetry on how colours evoke emotional intelligence in us, it sold out all 2000 copies in 24 hours.

He’s wrote horror stories for teenagers, helped write and art direct the Penny Dreadful horror series, and has previously had arts and environment columns in newspapers in the UK.

The body of work in his poetry books celebrate his passion not just for the planet but for friendships and compassion for all life. According to the founder of LGBT+ History Month:  “(Tony’s books) …teach us to reflect on the beauty around us and be better humans for it.”

His groundbreaking book: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion The Practical Guide was first launched in 2017 and fast became a global bestseller with over 175,000 copies across 2 editions and 14 counties.  The third edition update of this book is currently in writing.

Tony also writes articles for news media across the world, and currently does motivational speeches for the work place, schools and after dinner speaking all over the world. His ‘Poetry by Typewriter’ has also been very popular and a compendium of his work is due for publication in 2023 entitled ‘The Lilac tree’.

Human Rights, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Tony was once labelled by the UN Commissioner for Human Rights as a “Proud Trouble Maker for Peace” he was pressuring her team for more clarity and greater compassion for young LGBTQIA+ people at the time. 

Since his first peaceful protest against racism & homophobia in 2001 he has continued to both be a ‘troublemaker for peace’ and skilled consultant in the spaces of Diversity & Inclusion.

He is currently the EDI Lead for the Sea Cadets, a trustee director of ParaOlympic Legacy Arts Charity Together!2012 and of #WeAreAllDisabled and hold many advisory roles in campaign groups and charities across the world working towards inclusive and peaceful social change.

Tony’s work in this space have directly drafted UK, US & European law making towards inclusion and protection from discrimination and he has been a former UN Human Rights Advocate for the rights of Youth Refugees.

Tony is a popular public speaker, TV and radio commentator and independent conference and panel chair of the UK Institute of Government and Public Policy. Charing local and national discussions of policy and legislation on human rights and equalities subjects.


Tony’s passion for the arts started with his sketching time with his grandfather back in the 1980s. It moved on to an academic career in Fine Art & Visual Communication. He discovered his visual arts voice in Watercolour & Print making at Kent Institute of Art & Design and went on to study an MA in Typography and then a PhD in the accessibility of typed words and information design.

His artwork is occasionally represented by Saatchi, and his work in publishing design lead him to being a publishing designer and art director on many celebrated and award winning book projects.

He continues to paint, and now works to encourage others into all arts, from visual arts, creative writing and performing arts, as a workshop lead and trustee of various organisations.

Buddhism & Interfaith inclusion

Since learning about buddhist philosophy from his friend and teacher: Lama Tai-yun Gyatso he has gone on to study buddhism and peace dialogue, completing a second PhD in Buddhist Interfaith Studies at the University of Mumbai in 2007.

As ordained Buddhist non-monastic, with the title of ‘ChaJin Master’, which translates to ‘the teacher of tea masters’. Tony continues to practice Buddhism through his work and is an advisor to HH The 14th Dalia Lama for human rights subjects and the volunteer director of the Upeksa Foundation, a charity which aims to teach buddhist and interfaith peace through tea ceremonies to the next generation.

He still undertakes buddhist tea ceremony performances for young people in Scouts & Guides across the world regularly. 


Tony is a patron of LGBT+ History Month UK, a national trustee for Disability rights charity; Regard, a citizens assembly member and an ambassador for the Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park. He continues to volunteer in Scouting at local, national and international events and projects. Currently as the Diversity & Inclusion Consultant volunteer for WorldScouting and is an ambassador for ShelterBox.

Tony is a keen supporter of the wildlife charities: RSPB and Songbird Survival.  Tony is also a trustee of two National Portfolio Arts charities; Together2012! a ParaOlympic Legacy Disabled People's arts charity and Cheshire Dance, an organisation which brings people from all backgrounds into the artistic endeavour of dance. 

Conferences, Speaking & Public Engagement

Entertaining, Compassionate and impactful engagements.

Tony has been a public speaker on subjects which reduce inequality for over 20 years.  His words have been heard, and acted on, at conferences, after-dinner talks, seminars and other public conferences.

He regularly chairs or speaks at  Diversity, Inclusion, interfaith diversity, Human and Youth Rights conferences with the Institute of Government and Public Policy, along with appearances in the public, private and third sector across the world in person or online. To enquire about booking click the link below.

TV, Radio & Public Speaking

Tony frequently goes out to talk on subjects such as “Being an Ally to all, inclusively” and importance of “Youth Rights” and on the “Language we use to label others”

TV & Radio:

Occasional appearances on ITN News, BBC London, BBC RadioWales, BBC WorldService and NBC. Tony also used to have his own radio show briefly shared across various local radio stations celebrating 1940s music.

Youth rights & advocacy

As EDI Lead for the SeaCadets, and an active Scout volunteer and a speaker on the importance of generations of different ages working together to solve the world’s problem and create a joyful new world Tony has been delivering youth projects for over 20 years.  A brief overview of this work this looks like:

  • 10,030 Tea Ceremonies & Faith Discussions for young people.
  • Over 3 years of time hours donated to youth charities in total and growing.
  • Receiving a UN Services to Peace award for his work in conflict zones.
  • A personal award from HH The 14th Dalai Lama for youth peace.
  • Over 300 school visits.
  • 3 Appearances at the UN to advocate for Youth Rights.
  • Lots of smiles, new friends and inspired peaceful activism.

Personal additions

Some personal bits on Tony's work and passions

My typewriters

I rotate my small collection of typewriters into different jobs, and each has a special place and memory for me. Some are kind gifts others are charity shop finds. I often love to think on what these machines have wrote before I owned them, and what they will write when I am gone.

I remember playing at my grandmother’s house in the early 1980s with an old typewriter she had in a cupboard. I was sitting under her dining room table typing away on what I think was a White Smith-Corona Corsair. It was magical. I then grew up typing on a computer and forgot about these wonderful machines.

After writing my first book in 2006 I thought about typewriters again. I finally purchased my first in 2009 at a charity shop in Carmarthen, it was a a ‘Brother’, that’s all I can remember, it cost £10 and lasted me as a creative outlet while I was homeless for a period and right up until I lost most of my possessions when the houseboat I was living onboard sank in 2020.

Covid came a month later and I forgot about typewriters again… Until I was fortunate to watch a movie called ‘California Typewriter’.

It reminded me of romantic image, the melodic sound and the sheer joy of using the machines. It also reminded me I used to write poetry. (and had been successfully published). I found a broken, but beautiful 1939 Corona Special Folding Typewriter, and fell instantly in love once more. I wrote. Lots.

I now write poems and books mostly on my typewriter, re-writing as I edit onto either an electronic typewriter or my laptop. I aspire to be a collector and preserver of these wonderful machines one day, but for now, I am passionate about my Typewriter and the words I craft on it.

My current collection includes:

Olympia 66, 1962 with it’s wonderful cursive typeface for personal writing and letters.

Corona Special, 1936 a folding typewriter I use for composing poetry.

Olympia SM2, Wide Format, 1951, An oversized paper handling carriage, sadly awaiting some repairs.

Olivetti Valentine, A kind gift of a good friend, this will be used to write my work on human rights and social justice.

Freewrite Smart Typewriter, 2022, My powerhouse drafting machine for book writing.

Hermes Baby, 1955(?), A portable typewriter for travelling.


Quiet times spent making feathered friends.

Finding moments of tranquility is precious. One escape that promises a moment of mindfulness is birdwatching, a practice that not only connects us with nature but also emphasises the crucial role of preserving British bird species.

When we watch the birds, time seems to slow down. As we patiently observe, the symphony of bird songs creates a soothing melody, inviting us to be present in the moment. Simply watching, acknowledging and admiring.

Birdwatching, or 'Birding' demands a heightened sense of awareness. Tracking the flight patterns, distinctive plumage, and unique behaviors of various species necessitate focused attention. -And the odd checking in guidebook- This heightened state of mindfulness allows us to immerse our minds fully in the natural world, fostering a sense of inner peace which we can return to.

Tony can often be found wandering the shores at RSPB Newport Wetlands, out with binoculars in the Brecon Beacons or watching birds who visit his garden.

Together we will create joy for humanity.

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